Yep,installed my Ubnutu again

At first I have to say what I’m writing blow is all bull shit.

For these days I reinstall my Ubuntu, this is a sad story…

The reason is that I made a mistake when I repartitioned the disk. At first I want to resize the EFI partition and the boot partition because the original EFI partition is too big for me(500M) and the boot partition is a little small(just 200M), you know it’s unreasonable, so I decided to resize it.

First I made a Live-CD to to all of this, and I intended to shrink the EFI partition and then enlarge the boot partition. I backup the files in the EFI partition before I used gparted to resize the EFI partition but I suddently realized that it changed the format of the EFI partition from FAT32 to FAT16, I’m quiet unhappy of it so I decided to formart it to FAT32 again. I know it will destory all the data in this partition. But as I have backuped the files before, I’m not afraid to lost any data.




mount /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root /mnt
mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/boot
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot/efi


for i in /dev /proc /sys /run; do mount -B $i /mnt$i; done

-B 选项:

The bind mounts. Since Linux 2.4.0 it is possible to remount part of the file hierarchy somewhere else. The call is mount –bind olddir newdir or shortoption mount -B olddir newdir or fstab entry is: /olddir /newdir none bind

对。 最后:

chroot /mnt

这样就进入了原来的系统。有兴趣的同学可以仔细看下 chroot 这个命令。


由于boot分区已经清空了,所有的启动相关的文件全部丢失,没了内核。怎么办?sudo apt-get remove linux-generic 不管用,因为这些内核的状态全部是 rH dpkg -l | grep linux-image可以看到,r 表示removed,H 表示没安装完全,安装了一半……(废话,boot没了,当然剩下一半了……)纠结了一天,终于在吃饭之前的某个瞬间想到,我可以把丢失的文件复制回来!然后就在Livd-CD启动的系统上装了原来系统的内核们(对,就是“们”,5个!)然后把boot分区中的内容复制到原来系统的boot分区下,然后再到原来系统中,不管是remove也好,还是purge也好,反正是把那些内核卸载了,然后,重装内核。

大功告成了么?Naive! 由于源磁盘是加过密的,重装之后,按说启动时应该让输密码解密,但是,没有解密这个步骤。也不知道时丢失了那个文件,但是在fstab文件(/etc/fstab 保存着系统的文件分部,挂载什么,从哪儿挂载,UUID是啥,挂在的模式是什么)中看着是对的,现在想想有可能是cryttab文件(crypttab - static information about crypted filesystems)中的UUID出了问题,反正就是坏了。。









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